This is exactly how rails does that:

- [action name]
- The name of the current action. *show* for /posts/1, *index* for /posts etc.
- [mime type]
- *html* by default. *js* for /posts.js, *xml* for /posts/1.xml etc. Optional. Leave this out, and rails uses the template for all mime types of that action.
- [template type]
- Which template engine Rails should use. Chose from *erb*, *builder*, *rjs* and so on.
Some examples of resource paths and the respective template names:
- /posts
- index.html.erb
- /posts.xml
- index.xml.builder
- /posts/1.js
- show.js.rjs
Template type does not have to match mime type
Template types and mime types does not have to match, though, as they do in the example above. *index.html.builder*, *show.xml.rjs* and *update.js.erb* are all valid template names. It means that you can use erb to create XML and builder to create HTML. Your choice.
- /posts.xml
- index.xml.erb
Optional mime type
The mime type is also optional. The template *index.erb* will be rendered for all mime types.
- /posts
- index.erb
- /posts.js
- index.erb