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Load path

Written by August Lilleaas, published December 28, 2008

When you require something, Ruby looks for a matching file in all the directories in the load path. The load path is stored in the global variable $LOAD_PATH.

Consider the following directory structure:


You’ll get an error if you try to require "slave" from top_level.rb. When you require something, Ruby looks for a matching file in the directories of the $LOAD_PATH. The directory underlings/ is not automatically added to the $LOAD_PATH by Ruby, so the require fails.

If you on the other hand add underlings/ to the $LOAD_PATH, it will work. Adding directories to the load path is easy.

# top_level.rb
$LOAD_PATH << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "underlings")
require "slave"

File.dirname(__FILE__) and File.join is used to get the full absolute path to the underlings/ directory. You should only put absolute paths such as "/usr/local/foo" (or "C:\foo\bar" on Windows) in the $LOAD_PATH, and avoid things like $LOAD_PATH << "lib/foo".

The snippet above will run successfully, because the require statement is able to handle "slave" based on what’s in the $LOAD_PATH. As you can see, $LOAD_PATH is an array, and the directory names it contains are strings.

The current directory is in the load path

If you inspect $LOAD_PATH in IRb, you’ll find "." in it. That dot reperesents the current directory, and lets you require a file that is in the same directory as the file you require from. If foo.rb and bar.rb, you can require "bar" from foo.rb without modifying the $LOAD_PATH.

That $: thing

$: is a shorthand for $LOAD_PATH. So now you know.

(In fact, $LOAD_PATH is longhand for $:. Yeah! Thanks, bryanl.)

Questions or comments?

Feel free to contact me on Twitter, @augustl, or e-mail me at august@augustl.com.